Your Game Plan To Finding Balance At Home

Our Proven Strategy For Reducing Overwhelm During Covid-19

The virus is containing us in our homes, reorienting our relationship to our families, to our work, at our kid’s schools, where we spend our money, and how we spend our time. This pandemic asks us to reconsider who we are and what’s important. It’s resetting life as we once knew it.

With very little notice you were thrust into working from home, next to your partner. On your child’s very sudden last day of school, you were handed a letter describing the manner in which you will be instructing them yourself. Suddenly your social media feeds are filled with everyone else’s daily rhythms. With all their extra time, they charted, crafted, and cooked their way into a perfect household harmony.

With the health and life of our community feeling fragile, we’re learning a more resilient approach to living meaningfully together. We’re beginning to value everything differently now. The scare coronavirus creates is encouraging us to rediscover a better and stronger version of ourselves.

But you’re missing your game plan, a schedule for your sanity, and the routine everyone needs to thrive. Looking around your home, you see systems you once had, have vanished. Household challenges you once felt were manageable, are now harder because there’s overwhelm caused by a lack of normalcy; the fear of a job loss; and the loss of connection.

Imagine your days intentionally planned to support better and clearer communication with your partner.

Picture an understanding between you and them found by a new way to approach and think about your lives at home. Together, you’re both aware of what’s upcoming, what still needs to get done, and how you’ll divide and conquer the list.

The act of prioritizing and dividing the list feels empowering. You see that to have it all doesn’t mean you do it all. Working as a team, you both can easily identify where to ask for help to get things done faster and more efficiently. A system has now been created that sets you and your partner up for success in your relationship and your parenting so you can feel less guilty and be there for the people you love most.

With your life at home rebalanced fairly, your relationship with your partner feels easier. Knowing that everything will be taken care of, and not necessarily all done by you, you find yourself less worried. You’ve reclaimed space in your day to rediscover yourself so you can be the version of you that you have wanted to be.

I’m a household project manager who serves working families that feel overwhelmed by day-to-day life. They’re so busy trying to get everything done that they worry they’re missing out on what’s really important. I help them get support and become more efficient with daily tasks so they can relax and be present for the people they love most.

As a result of you and I working together, you will:

What You'll Receive

The Pandemic Playbook

Sanity Strategy Session

Your Game Plan

Burn Your Guilt Follow-Up Session

In weird times like this, it's not only acceptable but totally understandable to need a hand creating your new normal. This is the work I love and I want to help you.

Investment: $129

Step 1. Buy now to schedule your Sanity Strategy Session.

Step 2. I’ll respond within 24 business hours to say hello and send you the Pandemic Playbook.

Step 3. We’ll hold your session and get you started on your household’s Game Plan so pandemic living can begin to feel less overwhelming.

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Before you go...

Grab Your Pandemic Practices Cheat Sheets. 🙌

Life during COVID has given you more hats to wear and more important decisions to make. With so much on our shoulders, I would love to share this downloadable resource to make life a little easier right now.