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The Juggle Is Real: 8 Tips For Working Families

This week I spoke to two different parenting groups who asked me to share tips for managing the juggle working families are facing these days. I thought it would be helpful to share those here: Action can reduce anxiety. Take care of any small annoyances you’re dealing with to make life a little easier for … Read more

I Almost Gave Up Yesterday

Thanks, Julia’s concept popped into mind eight or nine months after Lou was born. I wrote about it here. In his honor, I opened for business on his first birthday, on November 8th, 2019. Going back to the beginning of this business reminds me of my initial purpose: I had a goal to help people … Read more

I Decided To Homeschool

I’m confident our teacher worked hard to help her early childhood parents through the distance learning curve last spring. I also think our school genuinely listened to parent feedback and tried, with all their might, to meet everyone’s needs for this upcoming year. But we still decided to leave. And now I’m a homeschooling parent. … Read more

Julia’s Roundup

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Before you go...

Grab Your Pandemic Practices Cheat Sheets. 🙌

Life during COVID has given you more hats to wear and more important decisions to make. With so much on our shoulders, I would love to share this downloadable resource to make life a little easier right now.