Work with Thanks, Julia in 2022.

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I Almost Gave Up Yesterday

Thanks, Julia’s concept popped into mind eight or nine months after Lou was born. I wrote about it here. In his honor, I opened for business on his first birthday, on November 8th, 2019. Going back to the beginning of this business reminds me of my initial purpose: I had a goal to help people … Read more

Julia’s Roundup

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Thanks, Julia’s newsletter is sent 1-2 times a month. It’s here to inspire, inform, motivate, and reassure you. Join the list. You can always unsubscribe later. But people never do. 

Before you go...

Grab Your Pandemic Practices Cheat Sheets. 🙌

Life during COVID has given you more hats to wear and more important decisions to make. With so much on our shoulders, I would love to share this downloadable resource to make life a little easier right now.